
All rulings made by the Complaints Committee are published in full, along with summaries of all complaints which have been resolved via mediation by IPSO

results for '\"The Times\"'

  • Complainant Title 08417-19 Cooney et al. v The Times

    Complaint Summary

    Summary of Complaint 1. Rosie Cooney, Amy Dickman, Dilys Roe, Paul Johnson and Maxi Pia Louis complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Times breached Clause...

    • Published date
      • 21 May 2020
    • Outcome
      • Breach - sanction: action as offered by publication
    Code provisions
    • 1 Accuracy
  • Complainant Title 07966-19 Water UK v The Times

    Complaint Summary

    Summary of Complaint 1. Water UK complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Times breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in: an...

    • Published date
      • 7 May 2020
    • Outcome
      • Breach - sanction: publication of correction
    Code provisions
    • 1 Accuracy
  • Complainant Title 08527-19 O’Nion v The Times

    Complaint Summary

    Summary of Complaint 1. Daniel O’Nion complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Times breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an...

    • Published date
      • 19 March 2020
    • Outcome
      • Breach - sanction: action as offered by publication
    Code provisions
    • 1 Accuracy
    • 2 Privacy
  • Complainant Title 07445-18 Just Yorkshire v The Times

    Complaint Summary

    Summary of complaint 1. Just Yorkshire complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Times breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) and Clause 12 (Discrimination) of the Editors’ Code...

    • Published date
      • 16 May 2019
    • Outcome
      • Breach - sanction: action as offered by publication
    Code provisions
    • 1 Accuracy
    • 12 Discrimination

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